
Read PL (Poland)

Created in 2013,  one of the largest readership promotion campaign dedicated to adults and young people in Poland. About 280,000 – this many books have already been read by the participants of the Read PL campaign. In 500 cities and Read More …

Small Book – Big Person (Poland)

The social campaign which reminds us of the benefits of reading together in a family from the first months of a child’s life. It was devised in connection with a nationwide campaign, as part of which young parents will receive Read More …

CBI Reading Campaign (Ireland)

Every year in September CBI launches the annual Reading Campaign. An Irish children’s illustrator is commissioned to create an original piece of artwork, which is reproduced on posters, bookmarks and stickers for use in libraries, bookshops, schools and homes across Read More …

Austrian campaign for family literacy (Austria)

A cooperation of the Austrian Children’s Book Club with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture In December 2010, the PISA results again confirmed the lack of reading skills of young people in Austria, and pointed out the Read More …

Read Aloud (Finland)

The aim of this campaign is to encourage the parents of small children to read aloud to them. The campaign informs parents how reading aloud helps children to develop. Listening to regular read-aloud stories boosts children’s vocabulary, supports their emotional Read More …

Words Matter (Finland)

One of our literacy and reading campaigns encourages vocational school students to read. Sanat haltuun (‘Words matter!’) campaign is funded by UPM and implemented by the Finnish Reading Centre. The aim of the campaign is to find hands-on solutions to Read More …

Children’s Book Month (Belgium)

Children’s Book Month is an annual event, held in March, and is the major book festival for children between the ages of 4 and 12. Each spring we celebrate the best children’s books on that year’s chosen theme. This unfading project Read More …

First Minister’s Reading Challenge (Scotland)

The First Minister’s Reading Challenge is for Primary 4–7 pupils and focuses on reading for pleasure and building reading cultures in schools, homes and communities across Scotland. Launched in 2016 by Scottish Book Trust and the Scottish Government, the First Read More …

Growing with the Book (Czech Republic)

The Growing with the Book campaign was launched in 2005 by Svět knihy as a response to research that showed a sharp fall in interest in book-reading among the young. The situation inspired us to search for a solution to Read More …

National Reading Aloud Day (Germany)

More than 170,000 people celebrated the jubilee of the 14th National Reading Day and shared their pleasure in reading (and reading to others) on 17 November 2017 – setting an impressive public example in favour of reading. The number of participants Read More …

Swiss Reading Aloud Day

  The Swiss Reading Aloud Day is the largest campaign in Switzerland that promotes reading aloud to children and young people. The Swiss Institute for Children’s and Youth Media SIKJM launched the campaign in 2018 in cooperation with many partners. Read More …

The Reading Forest – Leseskogen (Norway)

Leseskogen (The reading forest) is a read aloud campaign for pupils in the first and second grade, their parents and their teachers. The pupils use the campaign website to meet various animals who read and recommend books. There are Read More …