Read Aloud (Finland)

The aim of this campaign is to encourage the parents of small children to read aloud to them. The campaign informs parents how reading aloud helps children to develop. Listening to regular read-aloud stories boosts children’s vocabulary, supports their emotional development and has a major influence on their future literacy and school performance. Reading aloud is one of the key factors in boosting the equality between children and families, regardless of their social or economic background. The campaign provides parents, educators and other adults hands-on information, hints and reading suggestions for children of all age groups.

Home, early childhood education, school and library together create the framework and resources for children and youth to develop a desire to read. Literacy is only developed when it is trained in an active and multifaceted manner. The reading habits adopted in early childhood define the habits of adolescence and adulthood. The Read Aloud shares information about the importance of reading aloud through child health care clinics and aim at reaching out to all families regardless their social or economic background.

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