Research Focus

Early Years Bookgifting is evidence-led, and with a history of independent academic research studies evaluating its benefits.

This page brings together presentations to the network that focus on evaluation (though evaluation is included in many presentations on these pages).

We also include presentations from the EURead Researchers Network.

The page also includes literature reviews or cross-organisational reports on early years bookgifting programmes.

see reports

Research presentations

EURead Researchers Network meeting 13 October 2022 – The benefits of reading: impact now vs later in life

Giorgio Tamburlini: Nati Per Leggere (Born to Read), Italy
Assessing the impact of the Nati per Leggere program in Italy: results and challenges

Betty Becker-Kurz: German Reading Foundation (Stiftung Lesen)
Reading Aloud and Mental Health: Insights from Neuroscience and Psychology

Niels Bakker: Dutch Reading Foundation (Stichting Lezen)
Reading fiction and empathy: in search of the relation


Some research studies on the benefits of early years bookgifting
Professor Sakakihara – 19 Oct 2020

Presenter: Professor Sakakihara, President of the Japanese Society of Child Science; Director of the Child Research Net (CRN); Former President of The Asian and Oceanian Child Neurology Association (AOCNA); and Board Member of Bookstart Japan. The professor is introduced by Izumi Satou of Bookstart Japan and of the Global Network Working Group.

4 May 2020 meeting – Impact evaluation

Brian Gallagher MPA: Reach Out and Read, USA – Reach Out and Read Research
Reach Out and Read Research

Prof Dr Simone C Ehmig: Stiftung Lesen, Germany – Impact Evaluation of the 3 Milestones Project 2011-19
Impact Evaluation of the 3 Milestones Project 2011-19

Nov 2020  – Progress and evaluations of new programmes

Sabine Bonewitz, German Reading Foundation, Stiftung Lesen, Germany

Daiden O’Regan, Childrens Books Ireland

Anna Hällgren and Nina Suatan: Swedish Arts Council, Kulturradet, Sweden

May 2021 – Health and Wellbeing

Emmi Jäkkö: Lukukeskus (Finnish Reading Centre)

Izumi Satou: Bookstart Japan

May 2022 – Research updates on programmes

Emmi Jäkkö: Finnish Reading Centre, Lukukeskus, Finland

Marijke Bos and Jette van den Eijnden: Dutch Reading Foundation, Stichting Lezen, Netherlands

Sabine Bonewitz: German Reading Foundation, Stiftung Lesen, Germany


Reviews and reports of early years bookgifting programmes in more than one country

Bookstart Around the World, from Kulturradet Sweden, the Swedish Arts Council, 2021

Presentation introducing the report – Bookstart around the world presentation
The report – Bookstart Around The World report

From Boekstart Netherlands

In June 2020 a meta-analysis on Bookgifting programs was published, to which the researcher Merel de Bondt, who is also researching the longer-term effects of the Dutch BookStart, contributed.