Annual General Meeting 2017


The third Annual General Meeting of EURead took place from October 18-20 2017 at the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations in Brussels. The meeting brought together experts from the fields of European reading promotion, scientific research, economy and politics including the European Commission.

The aim was to continue and foster the exchange of ideas and experience and to develop further initiatives and campaigns across Europe in order to promote reading and literacy. This year’s meeting focused on challenges and opportunities arising from digitalization in the field of literacy.


Agenda and Presentations

Among others the following experts were giving a presentation at the third Annual Generel Meeting. Please find the presentations here:

Please find the programme of the Annual General Meeting here: EURead_AGM2017

Please find a selection of digital media in reading promotions of the members of EURead here: EURead_AGM 2017_digital projects members

Further information about the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp), developed by the European Commission and the Joint Research Centre:

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