O Mundo – the World in a Library (Beglium)

With O Mundo Stichting Lezen brings a selection of ten children’s books from ten countries (Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Ghana, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Iran and Morocco) to multicultural classrooms in Flemish primary schools. The selected books enable migrant children to share something about themselves and their background, because the cultural richness of their native country is often overlooked when they move to Belgium.
The five pilot schools that have been engaged in this new project, will receive an original copy of the books, translations of every story, a didactic and philosophical teacher guide, audiorecordings of the book in the original language, a Kamishibai for three books and other supporting material. Stichting Lezen hopes to offer this project more widely the following school year.

This project is run by Iedereen Leest, Flanders (Belgium).
