Bookstart inspired programmes in EURead

Bookstart encourages all parents and carers to enjoy books with children from as early an age as possible.

Since its pilot in Birmingham, England in 1992, Bookstart has grown into a national programme. Its influence has since extended beyond the UK’s borders with many other schemes around the world being inspired by the programme’s success.

The following EU Read projects have been inspired by Bookstart in the UK:

• Bookstart – LeseForum, South Tyrol, Italy
• BoekBaby’s – Stichting Lezen, Flanders
• Reading Starter – Stiftung Lesen, Germany
• The Art of Reading – Stichting Lezen, Netherlands

BookTrust’s past Bookstart affiliate scheme is now exploring developing into a worldwide networking initiative. This project will be steered by EU Read members including BookTrust (United Kingdom)