Bookstart (United Kingdom)

Bookstart offers the gift of free books to all children at key stages before they start school. We provide parental guidance materials to inspire a love of reading in babies, toddlers and preschoolers as well as helping professionals to support Read More …

BookTrust’s prizes (United Kingdom)

Children’s Laureate The role of Children’s Laureate is awarded once every two years to an eminent writer or illustrator of children’s books to celebrate outstanding achievement in their field. Lauren Child is the Waterstones Children’s Laureate 2017-2019 after being honoured Read More …

Book World Prague 2019 (Czech Republic)

As it celebrates its first quarter-century, Book World Prague will explore memory and reminiscence and the colour and variety of Latin America  The Book World Prague international book fair and literary festival is celebrating a jubilee year. Between 9th and Read More …

Children’s Book Month (Belgium)

Children’s Book Month is an annual event, held in March, and is the major book festival for children between the ages of 4 and 12. Each spring we celebrate the best children’s books on that year’s chosen theme. This unfading project Read More …

Digital Library (Portugal)

  In the Digital Library you can find a collection of books approved by the National Reading Plan. Find here  the digital books.     

Just Read Aloud (Germany)

Reading aloud has a positive effect on the individual development of children. In addition, regular reading out promotes their social integration and behavior. However, in hectic everyday life many parents often lack time to find a proper story to read Read More …

BookTrust bookgifting schemes (United Kingdom)

Each year we reach 3.4 million children across the UK with books, resources and support to help develop a love of reading, because we know that reading can transform lives. Bookstart has two universal packs, which every child will be Read More …

Reading Aloud Week (Voorleesweek)

Reading Aloud Week is an annual event, held each November, to encourage reading to young children, whether at nursery, in the library or at home. The program focuses on children of nursery and pre-school age, yet, the joy of being Read More …

15 Steps Towards Reading (Austria)

As part of its campaign for elementary and primary education and network projects, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs and the Buchklub developed the programme ’15 Steps towards Reading’ (Flyer 15 Steps towards Reading): During the school Read More …

Reading is Good for Health (Portugal)

Reading is Good for Health involves doctors and nurses working in health centres and paediatric hospitals in reading counselling of families with children from six months to six years. It has been launched with the sponsorship of the High Commissioner Read More …