Scottish Book Trust (Scotland)

Scottish Book Trust is a charity that believes books and reading have the power to change lives.

• With our Bookbug programme, we give free books and resources to every child in Scotland to ensure families of all backgrounds can share the joy of books at home.
• We work with teachers to inspire children to develop a love of reading, creating innovative classroom activities, author events and book prizes.
• We support Scotland’s dynamic writing community with awards, training and mentoring for writers at all stages of their career.
• We fund all kinds of author events for the public to enjoy, and promote Scottish writing to people worldwide.
• Through Book Week Scotland, an annual week long celebration of books and reading, we raise the profile of reading. We generate a huge excitement about reading and offer opportunities to get involved with hundreds of events across the country.

We envisage a Scotland where everyone values and benefits from the power of reading and writing to transform lives.

To inspire and empower the people of Scotland to realise their potential through an enjoyment of reading and writing. We transform lives, giving everyone an equal opportunity to thrive through literacy, imagination and creativity, focussing particularly on people whose need and potential are greatest.

We are trusted experts in the benefits of writing and reading for pleasure, connecting people and organisations across Scotland so everyone can access our innovative resources, events and opportunities.
