
Lese-Schaufenster 2017/2018 – A Shop Window for Books

In cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, and together with the little reading robot Hiro, the Austrian Bookclub invites all Austrian educational institutions to join the initiative Lese-Schaufenster (A Shop Window for Books) for the school year 2017/2018. Read More …

Reader on the Stage (Czech Republic)

A new project prepared under the umbrella of the Growing with the Book campaign. The aim of the campaign is to guide children to reading and working with text and to enable them to understand and interpret it. The Reader Read More …

The Norvegian Poetry Slam Championship (Norway)

The Norwegian Poetry Slam Championship brings various expressions together, live from stage, and this creates a spontaneous interaction between participants and the audience. Participants must present their own texts within a maximum of three minutes, and without props. Juries in Read More …