Iedereen Leest, Flanders (Belgium)

More reading pleasure, more readers! That’s our aim at Iedereen Leest (Everybody Reads).

Iedereen Leest is mainly concerned with making reading accessible for everybody. Being able to read is of absolute importance for personal development and participation in society. We highlight the crucial role of reading for pleasure in the literacy discourse: it is the key to an inspiring reading climate and a broad reading culture.

Iedereen Leest wants everybody to read and keep on reading. As early as possible and as long as possible, because those who like to read, read more. And those who read more, read better. Iedereen Leest coordinates different reading promotion programs and campaigns for children and adults, e.g. Bookstart (Boekstart), Children’s Book Month (Jeugdboekenmaand), Reading Aloud Week (Voorleesweek), Children’s Jury (Kinder- en Jeugdjury Vlaanderen) and Readers Advising Readers (Lezers tippen lezers) and many more.

As the central organisation focusing on reading and reading pleasure, Iedereen Leest works together with different partners to establish a strong reading culture in Flanders and Brussels.

Iedereen Leest
Frankrijklei 130/4
2000 Antwerp (Belgium)

t +32 (0)3 204 10 00