The Norvegian Youth Literature Award (Norway)

Uprisen – the Norwegian Youth Literature Award – was established in 2007, and is a collaboration between Foreningen !les, The Norwegian Festival of Literature and “The Cultural Rucksack” (“Den kulturelle skolesekken”, a national programme for art and culture). This is Read More …

The Reading Forest – Leseskogen (Norway)

Leseskogen (The reading forest) is a read aloud campaign for pupils in the first and second grade, their parents and their teachers. The pupils use the campaign website to meet various animals who read and recommend books. There are Read More …

The tXt Campaign (Norway)

tXt-aksjonen (the tXt Campaign) is the oldest and most extensive reading project for middle school students in Norway. The campaign was set up in 1997, and has become a central part of students experience with Norwegian and translated contemporary literature. Read More …

The Young Critic’s Award (Norway)

Ungdommens kritikerpris (the Young Critics’ Award) is a high school literary award, which was established in 2005. A jury of professional critics nominate eight novels for adults, and seven jury classes are chosen to read and discuss the books within Read More …

Time for Ten (Norway)

Tid for ti (Time for Ten) is a new project approaching pupils in the 7th grade. The project contains an anthology with excerpts from books written in Norwegian Nynorsk. The edition is 15 000 anthologies and will be sent to Read More …

World Book Day (Germany)

Following the success of last year’s World Book Day novel (‘Ich schenke dir eine Geschichte’ -‘I Will Make You a Story Gift’), this year an exciting fantasy story has been published for the occasion: ‘Die Jagd nach dem Leuchtkristall” (‘The Read More …

Book World Prague 2019 (Czech Republic)

As it celebrates its first quarter-century, Book World Prague will explore memory and reminiscence and the colour and variety of Latin America  The Book World Prague international book fair and literary festival is celebrating a jubilee year. Between 9th and Read More …

Faktafyk (Norway)

Faktafyk is a non-fiction magazine for middle school students, which was established in 2012. The magazine is published once a year and is distributed to more than 70% of middle school students in Norway. Faktafyk contains articles, interviews and excerpts Read More …

Growing with the Book (Czech Republic)

The Growing with the Book campaign was launched in 2005 by Svět knihy as a response to research that showed a sharp fall in interest in book-reading among the young. The situation inspired us to search for a solution to Read More …

Magazines into schools (Germany)

The reading promotional and media educational project is targeted country-wide at the classes 5 to 12. The initiative counts as one of the most important reading promotion projects in Germany. In the magazine month of April 2012 more than 450,000 Read More …