Read to Me, Nova Scotia, Canada

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Programme name Country Date of information
Read to Me Canada June 17, 2019
Question Answer
About the Organisation  
Organisation name Read to Me
Organisation address IWK Health Centre, PO Box 9700 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3K 6R8
Goal/objective To motivate and empower every family in Nova Scotia to read, talk and sing with their baby. To advocate for and promote early literacy in Nova Scotia.  
Contact Person Nancy Edgar
Position of Contact Person Program Manager
Contact email  
Contact Telephone Number  
Organisation website
Organisation type Provincial early reading promotion program
How many staff does your organisation employ? 2 full-time staff, 3 part-time staff
About the Programme  
Basic details  
Programme name Read to Me
Country/Province/City where the programme takes place Nova Scotia, Canada
Year started 2002
Funding sources Endowment (made up of contributions from Federal Government, Provincial Governments, foundations, corporations and individuals)
Geographic coverage Province (delivered at every hospital in the province that provides maternal newborn services)
Are you involved in any other comparable networks? Canadian Health Network for Early Literacy (for individuals and programs that support early literacy in healthcare settings)
Purpose of the programme  
Not for profit? Yes
Religious or political purpose? No
Local consistency of model  
Is your programme model consistent across your geographic area, or are there regional differences? Consistent  
Book Packs  
What are the contents of your gifting pack? The contents of the English Read to Me bag are:   a) Babies Love Books parent guide (month by month parent guide with information on how, what and when to read to babies in the first 18 months, updated every 2 years, available for sale to programs from Nimbus Publishing) b) Information on the Public Library and acoupon to receive another free Read to Me book at the library c) 50 Best Books for Babies booklet (lists best books for 0-2, updated every two years– for sale to programs from Nimbus Publishing) d) two developmentally appropriate board books – new selections made every two years (2019/2020 titles – Here Babies There Babies, by Nancy Cohen, illustrated by Carmen Mok,  and Look at Me, Baby’s First Book of Faces, Silver Dolphin Books). The contents of the Chinese, Arabic, French and Mi’kmaq bags include similar resources in the respective languages  
Is your programme offered free of charge to all families? Yes
Partnerships and Delivery  
What are your primary ‘points of contact’ with the population you serve? Hospital  
Who gifts/hands-out your pack to families/?   Healthcare workers, early literacy specialists, volunteers  
Please list your other programme partnerships . a) Nova Scotia Provincial Library (the Provincial Library pays for shipping of books across the province) b) Public Libraries (provide a third free Read to Me book when parents register their baby for a library card, they re-inforce the Read to Me message in their baby programs) c) Nova Scotia Department of Health and Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (work with Read to Me to strengthen the early literacy continuum from birth to school entry)
If your programme uses volunteers, please give some more details. Volunteers in some hospitals deliver the bag to new familiesvolunteers assemble gift bags at the provincial office
Is the programme universal or targeted? Universal
How many children does your programme serve a year? Approx. 10,000 per year
At what age/gifting period do children receive your programme. The Read to Me bag is delivered within 24 hours of birth of baby
Diversity provision  
Does your program include provisions or resources for children with special needs? Yes, books in braille, and signing books  
What language populations does your programme serve? Complete Read to Me bags are provided in: a) English b) French c) Arabic d) Chinese e) Mi’kmaq. As well we provide dual language books in approximately 15 other languages which can be gifted with an English bag
Evaluation and research  
Have you conducted programme evaluation or research (including longitudinal)? If yes, has this evaluation/research been published?  Uptake study, conducted in 2006-2008 “Newborn literacy program effective in increasing maternal engagement in literacy activities: an observational cohort study – BMC Pediatrics 2012, 12:100”   2010 Survey: Early Childhood Literacy Programs in Canada: A National Survey


Videos and Powerpoints

11 June 2019 launch meetingMultilingual provision and Diversity

Carol McDougall: Read to me! Nova Scotia – ‘Addressing the language needs of First Nations communities. Nurturing new generations of Mi’kmaq speakers.’

June 2019 – Multilingual provision and Diversity

Feb 2020 – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting

Shanda LaRamee-Jones: Read to Me, Nova Scotia – Delivering a Bookgift Program at the Hospital Bedside

Feb 2020 – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting

19 Nov 2020 meeting –  Book Selection

Nancy Edgar: Read to Me, Nova Scotia, Canada