Presentations of EURead at the 20th European Conference on Literacy

in Madrid/Spain, July 3-6, 2017

Symposium on examples of best practice in the field of literacy and reading promotion in Europe

One example of the successful sharing of expertise and best practice through EURead is the wider adoption of book-gifting schemes such as Bookstart across Europe. Pioneered by the UK reading charity Booktrust, Bookstart started out as a small pilot in Birmingham over 20 years ago. Today the programme reaches over 1 million children and their families every year, and has inspired nearly 30 similar book-gifting programmes around the world with the simple idea that an early introduction to stories, books and rhymes will offer every child the best possible start in life. Bookstart highlighted and embedded the importance of sharing books with babies and children, and became an international flagship as the first large-scale book-gifting programme across the world. Thanks to the work of EURead, Bookstart programmes and practice are widespread in Europe, including Lesestart in Germany and the Art of Reading in the Netherlands.

The following speaker were giving presentations:

  • Marijke Bos, Stichting Lezen (Netherlands)
  • Gina Domeniconi, Schweizerisches Institut für Kinder- und Jugendmedien SIKJM (Switzerland)
  • Dr. Simone Ehmig, Stiftung Lesen (Germany)
  • Adriaan Langendonk, Stichting Lezen (Netherlands)
  • Marc Lambert, CEO, Scottish Book Trust (Scotland)

 Please find the presentation here: Symposium_Best practice_Madrid


Reading aloud – basic need of children and most rewarding Investment for parents

Studies Show that 15.5 % of adults in OECD member states have inadequate reading skills. A large number of Youngsters also have difficulty reading and writing. Inadequate reading skills indicate the Need for measures that promote language and reading competencies as early in life as possible. Reading aloud and storytelling play a highly significant role early in life.

Systematic research among children of different age groups and their parents underscore the significance of reading aloud for children’s individual development children. A recent survey among children aged 5 to 10 shows: Almost all children always love reading aloud. They appreciate their parents spending time with them, creating a comfortable atmosphere – and they love to hear good stories. Reading aloud is identified as a basic need most chil-dren claim and their parents should comply with.

The studies lead to the “proclamation” of a children’s right to be read aloud –at least 15 minutes every day!

Please find the presentation here: Madrid_Reading Aloud_20170705


Workshop on applied research related to reading Promotion

The Workshop addressed experts in the field of applied research on reading and literacy at NGOs and institutions active in literacy promotion. It focused on the importance of research as a prerequisite for developing programmes to promote reading and writing in European countries. It pursued three main goals:

1. to share and collect research experience and results of studies relevant for literacy promotion provided by NGOs/institutions in different European countries,

2. to discuss topics and research questions to be considered for future collaborative studies in the field of literacy promotion which are relevant and interesting for several / all European countries,

3. to fix a concrete topic of joint research which helps to develop and to improve pro-grammes/projects for literacy promotion (e.g. a Study on Reading Aloud throughout Europe).

 Please find the presentation here: Workshop_Applied Research_Madrid