Polish Book Institute, Mała książka – wielki człowiek

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Programme name Country Date of information
“Mała książka – wielki człowiek”
(“Small book – great human”)
Poland   4 July 2019
Question Answer
About the Organisation  
Organisation name The Polish Book Institute
Organisation address The Polish Book Institute Wróblewskiego 6 Street 31-148 Cracow Poland
Goal/objective Reading promotion in the country and Polish literature promotion abroad
Contact Person Kasia Wasiutyńska
Position of Contact Person Bookstart campaign coordinator
Contact email  
Contact Telephone Number  
Organisation website http://wielki-czlowiek.pl/, https://instytutksiazki.pl/
Organisation type national reading promotion organization
How many staff does your organisation employ? Around 60
About the Programme  
Basic details  
Programme name “Mała książka – wielki człowiek” (“Small book – great human”)
Country/Province/City where the programme takes place Poland
Year started Dec 2017
Programme goal/objective Reading promotion among the youngest, reading promotion between the generations
Funding sources Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Geographic coverage National (360 hospitals, which is 95% of them in the country; and 5,200 libraries, which is more than 66% of public libraries in Poland)
Are you involved in any other comparable networks? EURead
Purpose of the programme  
Not for profit? Not for profit
Religious or political purpose? None
Local consistency of model  
Is your programme model consistent across your geographic area, or are there regional differences? Consistent
Book Packs  
What are the contents of your gifting pack? 1. Book for newborns / 1a. Book for kids age of 3 – 6
2. Special booklet for adults (1. About the meaning of reading. 1a. About the importance of libraries)
Is your programme offered free of charge to all families? Yes
Partnerships and Delivery  
What are your primary ‘points of contact’ with the population you serve? Hospital, Library
Who gifts/hands-out your pack to families?   Healthcare workers, librarians
Please list your other programme partnerships Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Commissioner for the Children’s Rights, IBBY (Polish Section), Nowoczesna Biblioteka 3.0 – magazine for librarians, Metropolia Dzieci – Foundation which is local bookstart leader, Ryms, Czas Dzieci – magazines for parents and teachers  
Is the programme universal or targeted? For newbons: universal. For 3-6 years old children: universal
How many children does your programme serve a year? For newborns: 360,000 (30,000 monthly). For 3-6 years old children: 230,000
At what age/gifting period do children receive your programme. Birth; 3- 6 years
Diversity provision  
Does your program include provisions or resources for children with special needs? no  
What language populations does your programme serve? Polish
Evaluation and research  
Have you conducted programme evaluation or research (including longitudinal)? If yes, has this evaluation/research been published?  Yes. Not yet published.
Further information or comments  
Please give us any further information that would be helpful for understanding your programme We would like to set up three levels of our project (two of them already exist). First – for newborns; second – for kindergarten children; third (in preparations) – for those kids which starts education. Main goal is to create reading habit. The pilotage of third level is planned for September 2019.
Please feel free to make any other comments related to your application We publish one book for each level every three years.


Videos and Powerpoints

Feb 2020 – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting

Gabriela Dul: Polish Book Institute – Small Book Great Human: working with Poland’s 360 state hospitals

Feb 2020 – Maternity hospital and Health Clinic bookgifting