LitCam (Germany)

LitCam is a German non-profit organisation located in Frankfurt/Main. LitCam was founded by the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2007 in cooperation with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and the Bundesverband Literacy and Basic Skills as Frankfurt Book Fair Literacy Campaign. Since 2010 LitCam works as a charitable society (gemeinnützige Gesellschaft).

LitCam initiates projects with a focus on mediating basic skills like reading, writing and arithmetic as well as using (digital) media. The projects “Football Meets Culture” in Germany and “Books Say Welcome“ aim at preventing social exclusion by improving chances for disadvantaged groups. LitCam is led by its mission “Competence for Life”.

During Frankfurt Book Fair the LitCam stage is our platform to transmit our ideas and projects to a broader public. Every second year we grant the „Lese-Kicker – The award for the best German speaking football children book and football youth book“ with a top-class jury including Manuel Neuer and more than 100 school classes.


LitCam gemeinnützige GmbH
Braubachstraße 16
60311 Frankfurt am Main

t +49 (0) 69 2102-140