Bokstart, Foreningen !les, Norway

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Programme name Country Date of information
Bokstart Norway 20 December 2019
Question Answer
About the Organisation  
Organisation name Foreningen !les
Organisation address Øvre Slottsgate 3
Goal/objective Our goal is to inspire children, adolescents and adults to read more by:
– making contemporary literature available for target groups
– providing children and adolescents with an arena for reading, writing and having an opinion about literature
– providing teachers with tools for working with contemporary literature in classrooms and in collaboration with students
– developing an intermediary role in schools and libraries
Contact Person Silje Tretvoll / Vibeke Røgler
Position of Contact Person Executive Director
Contact email  
Contact Telephone Number  
Organisation website
Organisation type National reading promotion organization
How many staff does your organisation employ? 7
About the Programme  
Basic details  
Programme name Bokstart
Country/Province/City where the programme takes place Norway
Year started 2018
Programme goal/objective – To promote reading and making literature available for young children and their parents
– To strengthen parents’ meaningful role in their children’s development of language and identity
– To provide children with developing a language
Funding sources Egmond Fonden (Denmark), Gjensidigestiftelsen (Norway), Oslo kommune (Norway)
Geographic coverage This is a pilot project in Oslo, the capital of Norway.   
Are you involved in any other comparable networks? No
Purpose of the programme  
Not for profit? Not for profit
Religious or political purpose? None
Local consistency of model  
Is your programme model consistent across your geographic area, or are there regional differences? It is consistent. This is a pilot project in Oslo, the capital of Norway.
Book Packs  
What are the contents of your gifting pack? Two books, one for 8 month old babies and one for 2 year olds. In addition, we are handing out a bag and booklet with information regarding the importance of reading for the development of language.
Is your programme offered free of charge to all families? Yes
Partnerships and Delivery  
What are your primary ‘points of contact’ with the population you serve? Library, Health clinic  
Who gifts/hands-out your pack to families?   healthcare workers, librarians  
Please list your other programme partnerships. Deichman – the municipal library of Oslo, Oslo kommune.
If your programme uses volunteers, please give some more details. This does not apply to our project.
Is the programme universal or targeted? Every baby, child, family within our geographic area of coverage will have the opportunity to get a book bag.
How many children does your programme serve a year? 9000 children.
At what age/gifting period do children receive your programme. 6 – 12 months, 2-4 years  
Diversity provision  
Does your program include provisions or resources for children with special needs? no  
What language populations does your programme serve?   Norwegian (bokmål and nynorsk), English, Arabic, Somali, Tigrinya
Evaluation and research  
Have you conducted programme evaluation or research (including longitudinal)? If yes, has this evaluation/research been published?  We are currently in the process of hiring an organization to evaluate the project.


March 2023 – New pilot programmes in Norway and Spain

Vibeke Røgler and Sigrun Feiring, Foreningen !les, Norway;  and Natalia Kucirkova, Professor of Reading and Early Childhood Development, Stavanger University Norway, and Open University UK